


A Brief History of New Leaven

Aug 2009Inspiration of the vision for New Leaven (from JPII's Christifideles Laici)
Oct 2009First draft stating the essential vision for New Leaven
Dec 2009Meeting with Bp. Daniel Flores Fr. John Riccardo and Dcn. Steve Mitchell on the vision
Jan 2010Fr. Riccardo urges Dcn. Bob Ervin and Paco Gavrilides to develop New Leaven
Feb 2010Fr. Riccardo raises funds to seed the initial development of New Leaven
Aug 2011Endorsement of New Leaven by Bishop Michael Byrnes
Fall 2011Recruitment/invitation of Pilot leaders from OLGC and Holy Family
Jan 2012Commencement of the New Leaven Pilot
Aug 2013Endorsement of New Leaven proposal to Our Sunday Visitor by Archbishop Vigneron
Dec 2013Conclusion of the New Leaven Pilot
Jan 2014Commencement of the New Leaven Assembly; first OSV Grant awarded
Jan 2015Continuance of the New Leaven Assembly second OSV Grant awarded
Apr 2015Commencement of Pilot Test of Modular New Leaven; first home groups begin at OLGC
Oct 2015Conclusion of the New Leaven Assembly
Nov 2015Conclusion of Pilot Test of Modular New Leaven
Dec 2016Completion of all video work on the original 29 teachings
Jan 2016Propagation of New Leaven to other parishes begins

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